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Inner Child

Inner Child

In childhood, we learned to survive, to please our parents, our teachers, to label our behavior internally as either all good or all bad and to make it mean something about us as beings. We learned to think in black and white ways because that’s what children do, and to judge ourselves where we fell…

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You’re a Human Being Not a Human Doing

Slow down the busy

  Self-love and self-care are such common buzzwords right now. If your social media feed is anything like mine, it’s full up on posts about self-care and the best ways to do it. And it often seems to involve lying on some perfect Grecian island with cucumbers on your eyes wrapped in seaweed as your…

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Coping Mechanisms and Obsessive Thoughts

Coping Mechanisms and Obsessive Thoughts

Functional medicine is so much more than choking down a fistful of supplements every day or doing a dozen lab tests. I believe deeply in root cause medicine. And the longer I do this work, the more clarity I have that self-love is the key to healing. It is only from a place of true…

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Negative Self-Talk

Negative Self-Talk

We’ve all done it. we’ve all heard ourselves say, “Oh, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t eat vegetables, who doesn’t work out, who doesn’t finish what I started, whose always late, who doesn’t drink water, who always procrastinates, who gets angry at the drop of a hat, who’s always anxious, who is a workaholic,…

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Stress Response Cycle

Stress Response Cycle

Stress. We’re all awash with it in this day and age. We’re even more aware of it with everything going on right now. While our actual lives are rarely in danger, our bodies can feel like we’re about to be killed and eaten. And they respond how they’re supposed to be flooding our perfect little…

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Uncertainty is in the air right now, along with fear, worry, confusion. Today, my darling, we’ll be talking about uncertainty and how you can support yourself now, as ever. Whether you’re reading this during the COVID-19 quarantine or long after, the central message and tenants are the same. Life is full of uncertainty and accepting…

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Victoria Albina Breathwork Meditation Facilitator

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