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Ep #162: Clean Fight Club Rules

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Clean Fight Pain Rules

Welcome to the final installment of our mini-series all about interpersonal conflict. We’ve been speaking at length about what conflict is and how to support ourselves, and last week, I hinted that I would share something I love so much and have found to be truly helpful in any relationship: Clean Fight Club Rules.  If…

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Ep #161: Conflict Doesn’t Have to Be the Worst

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Conflict Doesn’t Have to Be the Worst

Last week, we kicked off a vital conversation about conflict. We dove headfirst into it by discussing our disdain for it as folks with codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thought habits, and how, surprisingly, we sometimes have a subconscious penchant for inciting it with the people we love and care most about.  This week, we’re continuing…

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Ep #160: Conflict & Codependent Thinking

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Conflict & Codependent Thinking

Raise your tender little paw if you’ve ever uttered the words, “Ugh, I hate conflict,” or, “I’m just conflict-avoidant, I’m not into it.” I hear it all the time from my clients in Anchored, and I’ve totally acted from this place many times throughout my life too.  Most of us have never had a healthy…

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Ep #159: Getting Anchored: False Positivity

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Getting Anchored: False Positivity

We’re entering our third year of Covid, there are horrific things happening in the world, and my darling, are you okay? We all need room to have a bad day, week, or even year. We need space to acknowledge when things aren’t working for us. But there’s one thing that blocks us from doing just…

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Ep #158: Why Friendship Matters

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Why Friendship Matters

Do you often find yourself putting pressure on your romantic partner, projecting a whole village worth of expectations, wants, and needs onto them? Do you maybe find yourself without many close friends and judge yourself for it?  If either of these situations sounds familiar, know there’s nothing wrong with you, my tender ravioli. This week,…

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Ep #157: Relationship Red Flags are Gifts Not to Be Ignored

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Relationship Red Flags are Gifts Not to Be Ignored

There’s recently been a lot of talk about relationship red flags inside Anchored, and I thought, what better way to celebrate this annual time-honored ritual of Valentine’s Day than to discuss what happens when the shit hits the fan?  When we’re steeped in codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thinking habits, one of two things tend to…

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Ep #155: Why Privacy Matters

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Why Privacy Matters

Last week, we kicked off a vital conversation about the difference between secrecy and privacy. I shared how being secretive was the safe and smart thing to be and do as children, and this week, I’m offering the next step of finding a new way forward as adults, which includes learning what to keep boundaried…

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Ep #154: Secrecy

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Secrecy

For years, I believed keeping things secret was the smarter, safer way to live because if no one saw the real, true, vulnerable me, they couldn’t hurt me, right? The topic of secrecy is an incredibly important one to get clear on for those of us with codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing habits, so this is…

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Ep #153: Inner Child Science

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Inner Child Science

Inner child work is an incredibly useful tool that is part and parcel of my six-month program, Anchored. I was speaking to my client Margaret recently when she told me she felt the concept of inner child work was a tool to blame our parents for the way we are today, and a gateway to…

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Victoria Albina Breathwork Meditation Facilitator

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