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So many of us are giving our energy away to people and things that don’t serve us. We only have so much energy for each day and when we give it away or let it leak out of us by not taking care of ourselves first, we often don’t have anything left for ourselves. There’s…

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How to Conquer Anxiety

Conquer Anxiety

Anxiety is an exhausting life-stealer. It can feel like a wall between you, the people you love, and the life you want to live. It doesn’t have to be that way. In this article, I’ll explain the science of anxiety and what’s happening in your brain when you feel that rush of tension in your…

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Be Your Own Watcher


Mindfulness is about getting present to what is and accepting life on life’s terms. It’s about getting in touch with ourselves and the world around us in new and deeper ways. And it’s about creating cognitive distance between ourselves and our thoughts. This lets us ask the simple question, does this thought I’m having serve…

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Are You Ready for Change?

Are you ready for change?

Thank you for joining me for the very first episode of Feminist Wellness. I am excited to be here and excited to help you take back your health; not just to Band-Aid your symptoms, but to get at the root causes. The good news is I’ve been where you are and I know that transformative life healing change is possible… yes, my love, even for you.

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Exercise for Mental and Digestive Health

exercise for mental and digestive health

We all know that exercise is super important for our overall health and wellness. Research is showing this to be true for our digestive and mental health too. I’ll testify: every part of me feels soooo much better when I take the time and energy to move my body, to stretch, to connect inward, to…

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Leaky Gut and The Depression-Gut Connection

Leaky Gut and the Depression-Gut Connection

Do you know that mental health issues like depression and anxiety can be linked to the health of your gut? When the gut lining isn’t strong enough to do its job, we’re dealing with leaky gut. In other words, increased intestinal permeability. This is often due to imbalances in good and bad bacteria and can…

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Life Coaching: Rewriting Your Story and Living Your Best Life

After years of struggling with my own health concerns, and not getting the help I needed from conventional allopathic doctors, I studied herbalism and western medicine, and learned how to heal myself. In 2008, I realized that the psychological aspects of my care were not being addressed, and so I started working with a life…

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Victoria Albina Breathwork Meditation Facilitator

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I'm so glad you're here to download your free meditations to help you connect inward to calm and soothe your perfect mind, body and spirit.

These tools will bring you more awareness of your own inner workings, so you can break free of codependency and live life with intention, freedom and self-love.

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