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Ep #211: Belonging and Connection

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Belonging and Connection

A sense of belonging is so core to the human experience. Our human psyche is always seeking out belonging and connection, but for us folks living in codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing mindsets, we unwittingly hold on to stories that often work against our human endeavor of belonging.  If you find that you don’t like being…

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Ep #210: Getting Anchored with Charlene Lam

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Getting Anchored with Charlene Lam

  This week, I’m delighted to introduce you to Charlene Lam. Charlene is a certified grief coach, curator, speaker, and founder of The Grief Gallery. She does amazing work in the world to support her clients around the theme of grief, and she’ll be back on the podcast soon to speak specifically about grief. On…

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Ep #209: Overcoming Fawning

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Overcoming Fawning

  In our multi-part deep dive into healthy anger, I introduced you to the mixed nervous system response of fawning. I unpacked the science behind it and highlighted why it’s essential for us to step out of the habit of fawning, and this week, we’re getting super practical.  If you’re tired of spending another day…

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Ep #208: Fawn Response and Healthy Anger

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Fawn Response and Healthy Anger

  For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been taking a deep dive into healthy anger and why this is an energy that deserves to be processed and released through our bodies. Instead of holding anger at bay, we need to find a way to let that energy complete, but the reality is, very often,…

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Ep #207: Healthy Anger (Part 2)

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Healthy Anger (Part 2)

  Last week, we spoke about the beautiful experience of healthy anger, where I explored why it’s your birthright to feel and express anger. This week, I’m taking it a step further by diving into what happens when we’re cut off from the self-protective response that anger is, and how to begin reclaiming our healthy…

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Ep #206: Healthy Anger (Part 1)

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Healthy Anger

  As my Anchored community sets sail on learning to feel their feelings, connect with and bring healing to their inner children, and process their past and present lived experiences as folks with emotional sourcing habits, anger and even rage have been coming up for many of them. As they start loving and accepting all…

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Ep #205: Holding On To What Doesn’t Serve Us

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Holding On To What Doesn’t Serve Us

  As I embrace winter in the northern hemisphere and take this opportunity to slow down, reflect, and meditate on all the change that’s afoot, this is the perfect time to think about what no longer serves us and what might need to die, both in nature and in us, so that we can make…

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Ep #204: Getting Anchored: Margot’s Experience

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Getting Anchored: Margot’s Experience

  It is such an honor and a privilege to work with each and every member of the Anchored community, and I am always delighted to share their stories with you. Having a model of how much your life can change with the right skills, tools, guidance, coaching, and a loving community just like Anchored…

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Ep #203: Getting Anchored: Inner Child Science

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Getting Anchored: Inner Child Science

  The topic of the inner child has been coming up a lot lately in my six-month program, Anchored. So, this week, I’m delighted to share with you one of my most popular episodes all about the science behind the inner child, and how to help your inner child learn to trust your whole, adult,…

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Ep #202: The Ritual of New Year’s Resolutions

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | The Ritual Of New Year’s Resolutions

  As the New Year looms, many of us will gather with friends or family, stay up, and count down the beginning of 2023. So many people love the ritual of New Year’s resolutions and see it as a clean slate to start fresh and recommit to themselves. On the other hand, others feel pressured…

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Victoria Albina Breathwork Meditation Facilitator

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