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How to Shift Your Experience of Resistance (Pt 2)

How to Shift Your Experience of Resistance

Often, in the #spiritual and wellness worlds, the term “resistance” is used as a way to blame and often shame folks when our nervous system says no, while our brains say, “Sure, yeah, okay, I’ll do that.” This resistance comes up when we want to make new thought work stick. When we want to start…

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Understanding the Energy of Resistance (Part 1)

Understanding the Energy of Resistance

The folks in Anchored bring the term “resistance” up all the time, when we’re working with our inner children, our protector parts, or are doing somatic or body-based practices. Early on in our time together—this kind of language doesn’t last long, don’t worry. I hear them say things like, “I’m feeling stuck. I have resistance…

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Choosing the Wrong People: Why You’re Not Broken

you aren't broken

For years, I was told that I had a broken picker—that I picked the “wrong people” to date, picked the wrong friends, the wrong jobs and confidants because my picker was broken. And I believed it. I was in a challenging place in my life, a vulnerable-feeling place, and I believed what I was told…

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The Perfect Time for Your Dreams is Now

Time for dreams is now

Does your brain love to tell you to wait? To not do that thing you dream of until your ducks are all in a tidy row, until the time is right, until the stars are perfectly aligned? Whether you defer your dreams for that most perfect moment, struggling to take action towards your goals, or…

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The Power of Yet

The Power of Yet

Do you have big dreams for your life? Do you imagine a future in which you set healthy boundaries, don’t take on other people’s emotions, do what you want to do, not what you feel obligated to do to keep others happy? Do you dream of quitting your job, starting your own business, going to…

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Believing in Your Goals, Believing in Yourself

Belief in yourself

Here we are, but a few little minutes away from New Year’s, and the potentially crushing weight of that silly tradition of New Year’s resolutions, which let’s be real, just don’t work. Don’t lead to real change in our lives, and particularly for my perfectionist thinkers out there, I see you. The fantasy-level resolutions our…

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Neuroceptive Response: The Science Behind Stuckness

Ever found yourself setting a goal and feeling great and so excited about it, and then it’s time to do the thing and your body and mind are focused on everything but that thing you said you were going to do. Like journaling, setting limits on your own screen time, daily thought work, writing your…

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Accepting Our Racist Biases

For many White and White-passing folx starting the working of becoming anti-racist, we become so scared ? to do or say the wrong thing that we don’t do the work because we get stuck in that activated fear body.⁠ ⁠ And that’s where the work needs to start, to learn to be okay with being…

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Co-regulation is a vital human function.⁣⁠⁣ ⁣ Co-regulation happens when our autonomic nervous systems attune to another person, and there is an energetic exchange that helps both creatures to get into ventral vagal, to feel safe, secure and grounded in the moment.⁣⁠⁣ ⁣⁠⁣ I say creatures because while most of us think of this as…

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Victoria Albina Breathwork Meditation Facilitator

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