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Empowering wellness advice with a lot of science and a lot of heart.

If you’re stuck in an emotional pattern and feel like you can’t get free, if you’re still feeling frustrated, scared or anxious, despite all the self-help books you’ve read...this is the podcast for you. The Feminist Wellness podcast offers practical tools and advice to reconnect with that spark of passion in your life, to identify the thought patterns that serve you, and to say a long-time coming goodbye to the ones that hold you back.

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Listen to the Feminist Wellness™ Podcast

person with arms outstretched in moment of self-care

Ep #34: Self-Care

The topic of self-care is so prevalent in our culture right now, and it’s being marketed to us in a thousand ways. We all absolutely deserve self-care, but what I see is a confused message and understanding of what it truly means. You might think of a bubble bath, getting a manicure, or going out…
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two smiling people on boardwalk in direct communication with each other

Ep #33: Direct and Indirect Communication

We’ve been talking about communication in the last few episodes, and today we’re touching on a communication habit that I see so many clients struggle with. Many of us don’t know how to switch from indirect to direct communication, and I’m constantly trying to shift my own communication patterns (with lots of self-compassion, of course) to…
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person on subway considering how they communicate with themselves

Ep #32: How We Communicate with Ourselves

How we talk to ourselves impacts how we see the world and our place in it. Unsurprisingly, most of us are walking around with self-talk that’s not serving us, often stemming from thought patterns we picked up as children or from difficult past experiences. By replaying these negative tapes in our minds – “I’m not…
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person on cell phone in communication with someone

Ep #31: Communication

Communication. It’s a relatively plain-sounding word for something that encompasses so much of what we humans spend our time, energy, and thoughts on! Because communication is such a core part of what we do to connect with ourselves and other humans, I wanted to dedicate a three-part series to the topic. So keep your eyes…
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woman smiling against orange wall healing codependent habits

Ep #30: Healing Codependent Habits

Building on last week’s episode about codependency, today we’re talking about codependent thinking – a thought pattern that grows out of this behavior and shapes our relationship to ourselves and others – and how to move out of those patterns. When our brains are used to codependent thinking, we’re used to hanging our self-worth and…
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Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Codependent Thinking

Ep #29: Codependent Thinking

Connection is a vital ingredient for a healthy, happy human life. Our relationships with others can be uplifting and fun in good times and safe havens in tougher ones. But it’s important to remember that relationships of all types should consist of autonomous people coming together to respect and support each other – rather than…
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