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Perfectionism: Keeping Your Enemy Close


Perfectionism is a mindset, a thought habit, often informed by your childhood and societal lessons. A belief that you are anything other than completely perfect and worthy of love exactly as you are. This thought habit can keep you chasing your proverbial tail, always trying to prove your worth to the world and to yourself.…

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Begin to Heal Intergenerational Codependency

Intergenerational Codependency

Codependent thinking habits can be so ingrained in us that we don’t even recognize when we’re having them. Putting others before ourselves and caring more about what other people think of us than what we think of ourselves are classic signs of codependency. And while codependent thinking is so often thought to be the product…

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Self-Compassion and Dead-End Thinking


Self-compassion. How many times have you heard that term and kind of rushed on by it? I know it took me years to truly understand what it means to have compassion for myself and to act with self-compassion, to see my own pain and to attend to it deeply and with care, the way I…

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Your Why and Polyvagal Theory: Body/Mind Connection

your why and polyvagal theory

It’s easy to make a list of the 473 things you want to accomplish in a day, a month, a year, or even a lifetime. And often it’s harder to get those things off the list. Especially those things that feel big, challenging, failure prone, vulnerable-making. Even harder still when you’re not connected with your…

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My Vision for You This Season: Self-Love

self love

While we’ve likely never met, I love you. I love you because you’re perfect, whole, and amazing just as you are. And if you’re anything like me, all the messages from the world, from the patriarchy, from your culture and society, from your parents or family of origin convinced you that you are something other…

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Boundaries and the Holidays: Notice Your Internal Limit

boundaries and internal limits

Holidays with family can be quite challenging, particularly if you’re on a path of healing, of finding self-love, of figuring out how to support your inner child and reparent yourself, if you’re learning how to deeply attend to your own self-care as an adult in the world. Being with family can be complex, for sure,…

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Direct and Indirect Communication

direct and indirect communication

What does it mean to communicate directly versus indirectly? When we have clarity on what we want and need, we open up space to communicate directly. Saying what we mean and meaning what we say. This can be super challenging if we were raised with a lot of indirect or sideways communication. We can now…

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How We Communicate with Ourselves

how we communicate with ourselves

How we communicate with ourselves encompasses how we talk to ourselves, how we treat ourselves, and the images we display to ourselves.  These are all modes of communication with an inward focus.  I used to have an old cassette tape in my head that said I was always on the verge of being in trouble. As…

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Communication-Tips for How to Shift Yours


Most of us have found ourselves in that uh-oh moment when we realize we didn’t quite get our point across clearly. We’ve been misunderstood or haven’t communicated what we wanted to, or how we wanted to. For some of us, this communication mishap can be a daily occurrence. Our thoughts about how these communications go…

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Codependent Habits and How to Heal Them

healing codependent habits

Codependent thinking is common for so many of us. This is when we put someone else’s needs ahead of our own and then resent them for it.  You can begin to shift out of the codependent thinking pattern and into a mutually interdependent way of thinking, feeling, and showing up in the world.  As adults,…

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Victoria Albina Breathwork Meditation Facilitator

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I'm so glad you're here to download your free meditations to help you connect inward to calm and soothe your perfect mind, body and spirit.

These tools will bring you more awareness of your own inner workings, so you can break free of codependency and live life with intention, freedom and self-love.

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