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Attachment Styles 101: You Can Change Yours

attachment style

Coming from our codependent, perfectionist and people pleasing thought habits, our go-to in dating, in relationships, in pretty much every aspect of our lives is to live on good ol autopilot—from habit versus intention. One of my life goals is to live my own life from awareness, intention, checked-in-ness and to support you in doing…

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Client Coaching Q&A: Overcoming Codependency

coaching Q&A

In this Q&A I am sharing some of the coaching that I have done with the folks in my six-month program, Anchored: Overcoming Codependency. The folks in my program who have posed these questions asked for the coaching they want and need over in the Slack we have there, which is like a direct message…

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Trauma Therapy and Somatic Practices with Andrea Glik

convo w trauma therapist Andrea Glik

Victoria: You are a trauma therapist, you have studied a bajillion different modalities, and I would love to talk about what’s going on in the world of trauma support, trauma therapy these days, where you see things going. I think I’ll just open it up to you. Andrea: Certainly there’s a lot more of a…

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Hurt Feelings: Why You Don’t Need a Thicker Skin


I was talking with my client Eline the other day about this shift from being reactive in the world to being responsive. About noticing feelings and becoming aware of them. About learning to pause when you feel that little flood of anxiety, worry, upset, annoyance. When you feel that ping or zap in your belly that…

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Saying Yes from Obligation: How to Say No from Love

saying yes from obligation and no from love

When we believe that the only way to feel good about ourselves is to look outside of us, to get other people, our job, our career title or credential, our anything and everything to fill that whole in your heart that says “I’m not good enough unless other people say I am” it makes so…

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Choosing the Wrong People: Why You’re Not Broken

you aren't broken

For years, I was told that I had a broken picker—that I picked the “wrong people” to date, picked the wrong friends, the wrong jobs and confidants because my picker was broken. And I believed it. I was in a challenging place in my life, a vulnerable-feeling place, and I believed what I was told…

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Of Course They Did: A Tool for Accepting People

a femme on a brownstone stoop thinking of course they did

Back in the mid-90s my sister, Maria Eugenia, and I came up with this super helpful way of navigating the world together. We didn’t realize we were coming up with an absolutely brilliant coaching tool but we were! So this tool is a way to live in true acceptance of the people in our lives…

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Curiosity Rules: Why It’s so Important to Get Curious

why do we need to get curious?

Humans are such funny animals. We are born these wildly curious creatures who put literally everything we can reach into our mouths. We explore the world with this passion and excitement. We are born soooo curious, so comfortable in not knowing anything. Curiosity is powerful. It helps us live with a big open heart, trust…

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Top Tips to Heal a Codependent Friendship

You can be codependent in relationships other than romantic ones. It is common for folks with codependent thinking habits to bring those same habits to our friendships. What do you do if a friend doesn’t give as much as you do, if you feel taken advantage of in a friendship, if a friend doesn’t text…

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Somatics 101: Learn Transformative Somatic Practices

somatics 101

The field of somatics is where this bodymind connection is studied and explored and given the space to be felt and understood. It can be summarized as Susan McConnel says, in the felt shift from “I have a body” to “I AM my body.” The changes that I see in my clients when we bring…

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Victoria Albina Breathwork Meditation Facilitator

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