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How to Shift Your Experience of Resistance (Pt 2)

How to Shift Your Experience of Resistance

Often, in the #spiritual and wellness worlds, the term “resistance” is used as a way to blame and often shame folks when our nervous system says no, while our brains say, “Sure, yeah, okay, I’ll do that.” This resistance comes up when we want to make new thought work stick. When we want to start…

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Understanding the Energy of Resistance (Part 1)

Understanding the Energy of Resistance

The folks in Anchored bring the term “resistance” up all the time, when we’re working with our inner children, our protector parts, or are doing somatic or body-based practices. Early on in our time together—this kind of language doesn’t last long, don’t worry. I hear them say things like, “I’m feeling stuck. I have resistance…

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All-or-Nothing Thinking, Codependency and Perfectionism

all-or-nothing thinking

Following closely behind the season of bountiful buffering, as I’ve come to call the holidays, is New Year’s resolution time. It’s this time of magical thinking that says tomorrow, New Year’s day, I shall awaken a wildly new and different person with completely different habits that I will complete with utter perfection day after day…

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Why Celebrating Matters: Celebrate Small and Big Wins

learn to celebrate small and big wins

How often do you find yourself saying something like, “Well, I mean, not to brag but here’s this amazing thing I did?” How often do you hear someone you love put a disclaimer like that before their own achievement? How often do you pause to recognize and celebrate just how amazing you are, the effort…

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Overthinking Doesn’t Make You More Prepared


Have you ever stayed up late at night thinking about something that happens the next day because you feared you weren’t prepared enough for it? Rolling around and thinking and overthinking and worrying. Maybe it was a test, a work presentation, an event you planned, a conversation you need to have. Have you ever agonized…

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Why Complaining Never Helps


Complaining, especially chronic complaining, can be less than helpful. We will dive into what it does to your brain and some alternatives or remedies to help you navigate the moments in life where things aren’t what you want them to be. So you can take courageous action for your life. For those of us with…

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Guilt Guilt Guilt! Helpful vs. Unhelpful Guilt

guilt guilt guilt

It’s normal and human to F up, to make a mistake, to not do a thing you said you’d do. But for many of us, not measuring up to some internal standard of perfection leads to a spiral of guilt. The kind of guilt that leads us to be unkind to ourselves, to beat ourselves…

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Living with Intention: Create the Life of Your Dreams

living with intention

Living with intention means learning every day how to begin to live your life for you on your own terms and to turn all those dreams into reality. It means choosing to live your life in a way that is aligned with your truth, your authenticity, your desires, your sense of purpose and sense of…

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When You Have an Urge: Restricting vs. Allowing

when you have an urge

Few amongst us like to be told that we cannot do or have or say what we want to. To be restricted, restrained, held back in our daily lives. And so often, what keeps us from living our lives as we most deeply desire are these internal voices screaming, “No,” whenever you have an urge.…

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Minimum Baseline Thinking: Build Trust With Yourself

When you have the thought habit of perfectionism, it’s so delightful to your brain to make grandiose and enormous plans to change your entire life in one fell swoop. And if that worked, I’d be all about it, but science, my love. My nerdy, nerdy, love. Perfectionism makes you think you have to create and…

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Victoria Albina Breathwork Meditation Facilitator

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