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Ep #112: Listener Q&A Volume 2

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Listener Q&A Volume 2

Getting the opportunity to be in conversation with you folks is always such a delight, and I always love it when you send in questions you’d like for me to answer on the show. This is exactly what we’re doing this week as I bring you another listener Q&A episode! I’m all about supporting you…

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Ep #111: Curiosity

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Curiosity

When did we lose that energy of passion, excitement, and curiosity we were all born with? Babies are all about not knowing and curiously learning, and we seem to have lost that going into adulthood, with defensiveness and the fear of not knowing taking over instead. When we’re living with codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thought…

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Ep #110: Codependent Friendships

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Codependent Friendships

One of the most frequently asked questions I’ve been getting lately is this; can I be codependent or have codependent relationships other than romantic ones? The answer to that is very much yes, and we’re talking specifically about friendships today. Does it feel like your friend never gives as much as you do? Or do…

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Ep #109: Somatics: Living From Your Neck Down

Feminist Wellness with Victoria Albina | Somatics: Living From Your Neck Down

A narrative I hear often from the people I work with and a story that definitely resonates with me is that of feeling like we’re living in our brains, disconnected and out of touch with our bodies. When we’re living with codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thinking, this chronic outward focus has us busy worrying about…

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Ep #108: Wanting a Goal vs. Wanting a Feeling

Wanting a Goal vs. Wanting a Feeling

We are well into the month of March, and if you’ve found that the goals you set as your New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside, you are not alone. When we’re living with codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing habits, too often we’re not truly focused on our own internal motivations with goal setting, and…

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Ep #107: Thought Work 101

Thought Work 101

I’ve recently been getting a spike in messages from all of you asking for directions on where to go to learn all about the thought work protocol I talk about so often here on the podcast. It’s a topic that is weaved into every aspect of my work but to give you a go-to episode…

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Ep #106: Self-Sacrifice


Do you ever find yourself slipping into a martyr role? Is self-sacrifice a way of living for you, or do you maybe see this behavior in someone you love? This was my experience for such a long time, where being a fixer for everyone was a way for me to feel great and avoid looking…

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Ep #105: Buffering vs. Conscious Distraction

Buffering vs. Conscious Distraction

As humans who sometimes struggle to manage our emotions and voice them, and especially so for folks dealing with trauma, it’s no surprise that we use buffering as a way to make those uncomfortable feelings go away. However, we all know that buffering is never a long-term solution for managing our emotions, so is there…

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Ep #104: Pressured Perfectionist Procrastination

Pressured Perfectionist Procrastination

Do you habitually put off tasks by telling yourself that you “work best under pressure”? Does it feel vitally important that every task you set out to do is perfect or worth creating tons of pressure around? If you find yourself nodding along, resonating with this narrative, pressurized perfectionist procrastination may be an underlying root…

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Ep #103: Meditation Doesn’t Work for Everyone

Meditation Doesn’t Work for Everyone

Mindfulness is a big component of what I talk about here on the podcast and in my work with clients because bringing that level of awareness is vital to our healing. And so, you might imagine that I’m a huge proponent of meditation – and I am – but today, we’re talking about why it’s…

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Victoria Albina Breathwork Meditation Facilitator

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