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Free On-Demand Webinar

Somatics: What It Is & Why It Matters

Join Victoria Albina for this on-demand webinar where you’ll learn the basics of somatics and why it’s essential for living a deeply embodied life free from old codependent habits.

So many of us are living inside our brains, disconnected from our bodies. We live from the neck up,” trying to think our ways out of our problems. Which usually leaves us feeling overwhelmed, tired, depleted, anxious… and usually right back at the place we started.

It’s pretty darn frustrating, am I right?

That’s where somatics comes in, my love.

Somatic practices are about bringing your awareness and consciousness to your experience in your body. Not just the story in your head about it, but what your body needs to tell you.

The truth is that your body has so many of the answers you’re looking for. It’s just a matter of knowing how to reconnect with it.

By bringing awareness and attention to the feelings and knowledge stored in your beautiful human form, we can stop fighting against our emotions and learn to move with them.

When we get in touch with the memories in our muscles and fascia, with the intelligence of our tissues, we experience ourselves in our truest, most authentic form.

And when we’re operating from that place of authenticity and deep embodiment, life feels so much more amazing, safe, free, and joyful.

Order this free, on-demand webinar to learn all about somatic practices and how they can help you transform your life.

Ready to get back in touch with your body and live your life as the whole YOU?

You'll learn:

  • What somatic practices are about

  • The nervous system science behind somatic practices

  • How our childhood experiences get stored in our body

  • Why feeling disconnected from your body is a common experience for emotional outsourcers (aka folks living with codependent, people-pleasing, and perfectionist thought habits)

  • How you’re already in touch with your experience of being alive

  • The connection between somatics and intuition

  • How somatics helps us creating flexible, loving boundaries

  • What life looks like when you integrate somatic practices into your days

  • My favorite somatic practices to help you reconnect with your body

  • How I use somatics in my work with clients

Get in on the somatic magic now!

Life coach Victoria Albina in a pink jumpsuit, smiling while sitting at a table

About Victoria

Hello hello my love!

My name is Victoria Albina and I’m a certified somatics coach, holistic nurse practitioner, and breathwork facilitator with over 20 years of experience in health and wellness. I have helped hundreds of women to heal themselves: mind, body and spirit.

My most important credential is having healed myself from a lifetime of being sick, sad, anxious and of course: codependent. I was riddled with self-doubt, shame, guilt and put other people’s opinions above my own. I didn’t set boundaries and I didn’t know how to even start. I had wicked Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), exhausting anxiety and depression, and a boatload of adrenal yuck. And through it all, I didn’t even realize that codependent thinking was a major root cause of my physical and mental health struggles.

I thought my mind and body were the problem — I had no clue they were also the solution.

Sound familiar?

Finally, I got sick and tired of being so sick and tired and I learned how to heal myself. And I've helped so many folx to heal themselves using the methods I'll show you in this live webinar.

Ready to learn more?

Order my free, on-demand webinar to all about the somatic practices at the core of my work!

Let's get you on your way to living an embodied life as the fullest YOU!