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Empowering wellness advice with a lot of science and a lot of heart.

If you’re stuck in an emotional pattern and feel like you can’t get free, if you’re still feeling frustrated, scared or anxious, despite all the self-help books you’ve read...this is the podcast for you. The Feminist Wellness podcast offers practical tools and advice to reconnect with that spark of passion in your life, to identify the thought patterns that serve you, and to say a long-time coming goodbye to the ones that hold you back.

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Listen to the Feminist Wellness™ Podcast

Ep #52: Unconditional Love

Unconditional love can be a tricky feeling state to harness at first, especially when you think that someone has caused you hurt in the past. Or if you’ve lived your life expecting the world to do you wrong. Though it can be hard to imagine now, this is how I used to go about my…
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Ep #51: Self-Compassion, Dead-End Thinking and the Emotional U-Turn

We’re diving into our topic for the month of February, which is going to be all around self-love and unconditional love for the world. To start off, today, we’re turning our attention towards self-compassion. I know it took me years, if not decades, to truly understand what it meant to have compassion for myself and…
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Ep #50: Positive Self-Regard

Before I dive into the month of February where I’ll be talking all about love – both self-love and unconditional love for the world – today’s episode is all about positive self-regard. How many of you have unconditional acceptance and love for yourselves? Do you find yourself believing all the negative things the world tells…
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Ep #49: Being Okay with Being Wrong

As an admitted know-it-all throughout most of my life, I can recall many instances where I would insist on being right, and someone telling me I was wrong was one of the most hurtful and upsetting experiences. If you can relate, this episode is for you, my love, as I show you exactly why it…
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Ep #48: Your Why and Polyvagal Theory

What gets you up in the morning? What’s that driving force that propels you to take action every day, to live the intentional life of your dreams? That’s your why, my darlings. On the podcast today, I’m talking all about your why, and I’ll be touching on polyvagal theory as well, so you can nerd…
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Ep #47: Goals and New Year’s Resolutions

The second week of the new year is already upon us, and I’m sure many of you have set resolutions for yourselves with good intentions. While this practice is great for identifying the changes you want to make in your life, it can often act as another thing to beat yourself up about when you…
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