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life coaching for smart codependent women

Download Your Free Stress Activation Release Meditation

Even after a stressful experience has ended, your body may hold on to that energy.

To begin to let that stress go, to move it out of your body, you can shake, you can dance, you can breathe. And that's not always possible, like if you're on zoom for the 473rd hour of the day.

Instead, you can do a series of movements to tighten and release your muscles, allowing them to move that stress energy OUT OUT OUT.

This quick, gentle nervous-sytem-reset is perfect for while you're sitting in a meeting.
At the family dinner table.
On a plane.
Or otherwise can't get up and groove or shake it out.

Download it for free and give it a try. It's a good one for sure.

Gimme that Stress Activation Release Meditation Audio! I wanna release trapped stress from my cells and my nervous system please!