The Somatic Studio 
A 12-week program to tap into the wisdom of your human form using body-based practices — so you can move through life with calm, dignity, and self-trust.

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I think I know why you're here...
You're ready to get out of your own way.

(For realsies.)

You're sick of living from the neck up.

So many of us are spending our days spinning in anxiety, overwhelm, and stress.

We try to think our way out of problems, but all it leads to is exhaustion and frustration... and we usually end up in the same place we started.

The truth is: you can't think your way out of your problems.

The answers you're looking for reside deep within your body.

It's just a matter of learning how to listen to it.

Your body knows what you need. Let me help you reconnect with it.

And that's exactly why I made this
for you

The Somatic Studio is for you if you want to live your life from a place of centeredness, calm, and self-trust.

Here's why the Somatic Studio is exactly what you're looking for:

  • I used to feel exactly like you - was living from the neck up and was reactive to the world - and then I harnessed my 20+ years in wellness to heal myself
  • Before discovering somatics, I was stuck in a painful cycle of codependent habits
  • Now that I’ve integrated somatics into my life, I operate from a place of deep self-love, where I trust myself to have my own back — and it feels SO amazing!
  • This program is based on evidence-based nervous system science, and I’ve used it to help hundreds of folks transform their lives
  • We’re all about the nerditry AND the woo here — this is a holistic approach designed to engage ALL of you, mind, body, and spirit.
This program is for you if...
You try to think your way out of problems to no avail.
You're scared to feel your feelings or don't feel like you even know how.
You're sick of feeling stuck.
You've tried just about everything — talk therapy, self-help books, cognitive coaching — but it's not pushing you towards the change you desire.
You're ready to reclaim your life and navigate the world as your truest YOU.
You're a human! All humans, all genders are welcome.
This is more than a curriculum

Every lesson includes:

We're all about science around here.

After 20+ years in the health and wellness space, I've learned quite a bit about the human body and its connection to the mind.

And I'm bringing all that experience to each and every lesson.

Because when you understand your nervous system and how it reacts, you can start to work with it, instead of against it.

So grab your pocket protector and your goggles — we're about to get real nerdy up in here!

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It's one thing to be told something, and it's another thing to experience it in action.

All that delightful, scholarly nerditry will be accompanied by exploratory exercises, guided meditations, and thought work to bring the concepts to life.

Because learning is so much more powerful (and so much more fun!) when you're an active participant.

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I designed this course to help you actually make changes in your life, not just think about them.

So we'll take all that nerditry and exploration and apply them to your real life.

Every week, you'll get prompts, assignments, and worksheets to help you bring all the somatic magic into your life.

That means you won't have to wait to feel the benefits of all that learning — we're gonna hit the ground running. And we're gonna keep it up! How exciting?!
Here's what life will look like after Somatic Studio...
You’ll connect with yourself and others in deeper, more loving ways
You won’t tolerate BS anymore
You'll feel connected to and grounded in your body
You'll set flexible, loving boundaries that you *actually* honor
You'll feel safe being present with your feelings
You'll have direct access to your intuition, allowing you to follow your inner wisdom
You'll make active decisions from a place of deep, embodied knowing
You'll know in every cell of your being that you're worthy and lovable
You'll approach challenges with curiosity instead of fear
You'll feel regulated in your nervous system
You'll trust yourself to get what you want and need
You'll move through life with more ease, confidence, freedom, and joy

Here's what you'll get:

● A 12-week, science-based curriculum that’s drawing on my 20+ years working in health and wellness
● Somatic practices and techniques you can start using right away to get centered and calm and to start to heal in new and powerful ways
● Weekly calls with me and hand-picked experts
● Guided meditations
● Worksheets to help you apply concepts to your own life
● Journaling exercises to help you get in touch with your feelings as they live in your mind and body
● All the nerditry and all the woo
● Much, much more!


Here's the schedule you can look forward to over these 12 somatics-packed weeks.

Calls will last 60-90 minutes, and they'll be recorded and sent out as replays, so you can watch if you missed them or simply want to watch them again!

And just who am I to help you?

I'm Victoria Albina and I’m a Master Certified Somatic Coach, Holistic Nurse Practitioner, and Breathwork Meditation Facilitator with over 20 years of experience in health and wellness. I have helped hundreds of women to heal themselves: mind, body and spirit.

My most important credential is having healed myself from a lifetime of being sick, sad, anxious and of course: codependent. I was riddled with self-doubt, shame, guilt and put other people’s opinions above my own. I was sooo disconnected from my body!

I didn’t set boundaries and I didn’t know how to even start. I had wicked Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), exhausting anxiety and depression, and a boatload of adrenal yuck. And through it all, I didn’t even realize that being disconnected from my body was a major root cause of my physical and mental health struggles.

I thought my mind and body were the problem — I had no clue they were also the solution.

Sound familiar?

Finally, I got sick and tired of being so sick and tired and I learned how to heal myself.

And I've helped so many folks to heal themselves using the methods I'll show you in the Somatic Studio.

© 2023 Victoria Albina 